Guide: Automatic task allocation
Tasks can be distributed in two ways in the Kognic platform - manually by you as a manager or automatically by our system. The following guide will describe how to ensure tasks are automatically allocated, so you can spend less time assigning tasks yourself!
Tasks are automatically allocated based on two conditions, the task type, and the team member's responsibility. To access and start a task of a specific type (such as Annotate), a team member must be given the correct responsibility (for example, Annotate).
As long as the request has tasks available and its team members have been given the responsibilities required to work on the tasks that are part of the request's annotation workflow - tasks will continuously be available for the team members to start.
For the tasks to be allocated to someone, you need a team. The team needs to contain members who can work on all the different task types that will appear throughout the request's annotation workflow. The request team is configured under the tab Teamο»Ώ.
If you want a team member to receive tasks automatically, they need to be given the task allocation type Automatic, and one of the responsibilities Annotate, Assure Quality, and Review.
2. Check if the automatic allocation is active, otherwise activate automatic task allocation for the request
Only workspace administrators and project managers in the request's producer organization can activate the automatic task allocation.
On the request page under General information, you can see if the automatic allocation is active or inactive. If it is inactive, you need to activate it for us to start distributing tasks automatically. This you do by clicking the button "Activate automatic allocation" in the upper right corner of the request's page.
When activated, tasks will become available on the team members' My Tasks pages, and they can start working.

If you can see the button, but it is greyed out, the request configuration hasn't been completed. It means the request lacks one or more of the following: an Annotation Workflow and an Annotation Instruction (guideline and taxonomy).
If you can't see the button, you don't have the role required (Workspace Administrator or Project Manager) to activate it, or your organization isn't the Producer of the request.
If automatic task allocation is active, but tasks aren't available for one or multiple team members, it is because there are no tasks of the status To Do available matching the team member's/members' responsibility. This means that all matching tasks are completed, and no additional ones will become available, or that another task needs to be finished before a task of the matching type can be created.
If you have confirmed that there are tasks available to work on and that there are team members with a responsibility that should allow them to work on them - reach out to Kognic via our support form, and we will look at what could be going on!
As long as tasks are available to work on, you can assign them manually to specific team members using the task table in the tab Tasksο»Ώ. You can assign tasks to team members with any responsibility, and it can be done regardless if automatic allocation is activated or not.
You can read more about how to assign tasks in the chapter Tasksο»Ώ.