Annotation Requests

Guide: Review management


When responsible for the review of a request your organization gets access to review management tooling. The main benefit of this tooling is that it allows you to manage your own review team as well as how the review tasks are distributed.

Your organization could be only responsible for the review step of the delivery or the full production process. In both situations, you would have access to our review management tooling, either as the only management tooling or as a part of the full management offering.

The review team

In the tab Team you can determine which users that should work on the request as well as monitor and manage them. You can always see all team members from your organization as well as organizations that your organization has workforce access to.

Read more details in the Teamο»Ώ tab's documentation.

Add review team members

You add team members by clicking the "Add team members" button. You find the button at the top right corner of the team members table.

The button opens a dialog in which you select which users to add, which responsibility, and which task allocation type they should have.

For team members that should do review - you select the Review responsibility. This ensures the team member gets access to review tasks automatically when there are such tasks available.

If your organization does not have the request role producer - you will only be able to select the review responsibility or the option none.

Selecting users can be done by searching and selecting users in the dropdown menu or by pasting emails for the users you want to add to the team. When pasting multiple emails, they should be comma-separated.

If you add a team member with the task allocation type Automatic they will have access to tasks immediately after being added to the team (if tasks are available). If they have Manual allocation - you will have to assign them to tasks manually before they can start working.

Manage review team

You will be able to see all team members from your organization as well as organizations that your organization has workforce access to. For these users you will be able to see their last task activity, how many tasks they currently are assigned, their responsibility and their task allocation type. You can read more about this on the team page.

Change responsibility

The responsibility of a team member can be changed by clicking on their responsibility in the team members table and then selecting another option in the menu.

When changing responsibility all new tasks that become available for the team member will be determined based on the new responsibility. Any not started tasks (in the To Do state) will be expired.

If your organization has the request capability review you will only be able to change between/to the responsibility Review or the option None.

Changing task allocation type

The task allocation type can be changed by interacting with the buttons in the "Task allocation type"-column.

This action only affects how tasks will be assigned going forward. Any already assigned tasks will remain assigned to the user. If you want to affect what tasks remain assigned to the user, you can do that from the Tasksο»Ώ tab.

Remove a team member

To remove a team member you first find the team member which you want to remove from the request and click the 3 dots next to the responsibility of the team member to reveal the option to remove.

When you remove a team member all of their assigned tasks in the request will be expired, including ongoing ones.

Remove team member
Remove team member

Managing review tasks

In the tab Tasks you can see all tasks that we deem relevant to you based on your request capabilty.

If your organization has the request capability review your will only see review tasks on the tasks page. Meaning that other tasks exists - but you don't have access to view or manage them.

What is a task?

A task is what ties an input to a team member and what type of action the team member should take with the input. There are three types of tasks - annotate, correct and review. On its way from original input to a delivery-ready (or final) annotation, the input spawns one or multiple tasks, and even multiple tasks of the same type. The number of tasks depends on the workflow used in the request and/or if tasks expire and get assigned to new users. In a review task the team member is asked to determine if an annotation is of acceptable or unacceptable quality. If the task quality is unacceptable the team member is expected to provide correction requests and feedback to the annotator.

Read more about the other task types in the Tasksο»Ώ tab documentation.

Task information

For each task you will be able to see information about its assignment status, workflow stage, type, time spent, status and if it is the final task that lead to the input becoming delivery ready. Your will also see its id as well as the inputs external id.

This information is there to help you answer questions such as:

  • How is a certain task progressing?
  • What task are a specific team member working on and which other tasks have they been assigned?
  • Are there any not assigned tasks that I could assign to available team members?

Task actions

Depending on the task's state you can do different actions with it. The main actions you need to know about are expire and assign. These will be described further below.


The purpose of the expire action is to make a task available for another team member.

When expiring a task a new task will be created, with the same initial states as the original one. This means that work done on the expired task won’t be transferred to the new tasks nor become part of the final annotation.ο»Ώ

Assigned tasks that are in state To Do or Ongoing can be expired. At expiry, the assigned user will lose access to the task. And if the assigned user is currently working on the expired task they will be notified.


Tasks that aren't assigned can be assigned to a team member manually. If you want to assign an ongoing task to a different team member than the currently assigned one, you need to expire and assign the task.

How to conduct task actions

You can conduct task actions per task or for multiple tasks at once. Where and how to do it will be described below.

Actions for individual tasks

From the context menu (...) of one task, you can

  • for each assigned task which is to-do or ongoing
    • expire it
    • expire & assign it
  • for each unassigned task (which are all to-do)
    • assign it

Batch actions

For batch actions you can use the selection box in the header, the drop-down next to it or the selection boxes on each row to select tasks for batch actions.

Each batch action only works on certain task selections, so pay attention to the notification bar in the bottom.

Batch expiration of non-completed tasks assigned to a single team member

Document image

When you have selected tasks, that are To Do or Ongoing, and are assigned to a single team member, you can expire all of them with a single action from the bar at the bottom.


Monitoring the review process

You can read about our review monitoring in detail on the page Review monitoringο»Ώ.