Annotation Requests
Request details



This tab is only relevant (and visible) for requests in which your organization is responsible for either annotation production and/or reviewing the produced annotations.

πŸ™‹ If you want to learn more about reviewing produced annotations, read Guide: Review managementο»Ώ.


The purpose of the tab Tasks is to provide you with an overview of relevant tasks that exist in the request, as well as provide tools to manage these tasks.

Task table
Task table

Task - the concept

A task is what ties an input to a team member and what type of action the team member should take with the input. There are seven types of tasks, which are presented in detail in the table below.

Task Type


Workflow Stage

ο»ΏAnnotation Workflowsο»Ώο»Ώ


A task where you should annotate from scratch, i.e. you start with an empty task and fill it with annotations based on the provided guideline.

Annotatation: Annotate

AC and CQC


A regular correction task, where you should go through and correct the full task.Β 

Correction: Correct

AC and CQC

QA Correct

Similar to Correct, this task type is created when a quality expert decides that a task's annotation quality needs improvement.

Correction: Correct


Review Correct

A correction task where you should improve the annotation based on correction requests and feedback. Review corrections are created when a reviewer rejects the quality of an annotation.

Review: Correct

Review Flow

Quality Assure

A task in which Quality Managers improve the annotation quality as much as possible by correcting the full task or the highlighted frames. When submitted, Kognic will use the results from these tasks to estimate the quality of the delivery.

Sampled QA: Quality Assure


Supervisor Correct

Usually assigned to developers and engineers to evaluate and develop the guideline.


Manually assigned by Kognic


A task in which a Quality Expert is asked to determine if the annotation is of acceptable or unacceptable quality. If the task quality is unacceptable the expert also provides correction requests and feedback, which is presented in a review correction.

Review: Review

Review Flow


On its way from original input to a delivery-ready (or final) annotation inside the request, the input spawns one or multiple tasks, and even multiple tasks of the same type. The number of tasks depends on the workflows used in the request and/or if tasks expire and get assigned to new users.

Assignment status A task gets assigned to a user to ask that user to complete it. If the user becomes idle though before they can complete the task, it might expire to enable other active users to complete the task without conflicts.

The Tasks Table

What tasks are included in the table?

Your organization's request role determines which tasks we deem relevant to show you:

  • Producer: All tasks.
  • Reviewer or Owner: Tasks of the workflow stage Review.

In the Tasks table, we show you the whole extent of tasks: assigned and not assigned, incomplete and complete, or expired.

Task information

Below you find a description of the columns and their possible values, with some description.

Assigned Team Member (if any) Name and email of the potentially assigned user.

Workflow Stage The production workflow stage the task is part of. The stages are Not Started, Annotation: Annotate, Correction: Correct, Sampled QA: Quality Assurance, Review: Review, and Review: Correct.

Type The type of task. Either Annotate, Correct, or Review. All the correction task types (incl. Quality Assure) are categorized as Correct.

State The current state of the task.

  • To Do - Not started.
  • Ongoing - Opened and started.
  • Completed - The task is completed and has been submitted.
  • Expired - The task has expired.


  • Yes The annotation on this task became the final delivery-ready annotation.
  • No This annotation was an intermediate one or it hasn't passed the final Quality Assurance gate yet.

Time spent The amount of active time the user has spent working on the task - until completion or expiry of the task.

Active time is accumulated while a user has a task open and is actively working on it (i.e. moving around, interacting). When a user has been inactive for more than 3 minutes the timer is paused and resumed when the user is active again.

Note that Time spent is only available once a task is Completed or Expired, not while it's Ongoing.


  • Not assigned (to a user)
  • Not started (assigned to a user but still To Do)
  • Updated 2 minutes ago (when Ongoing)
  • Completed 3 minutes ago (when Completed)
  • Expired 4 minutes ago (when Expired)
  • Sub-status:
    • Expires in 5 minutes (when Not started or Ongoing)
    • 2022-01-28 08:40 - the respective date and time (when Completed or Expired)

External Scene ID The ID of this scene as identified when uploadedο»Ώ

Assignment UUID The internal identifier of this assignment that is useful to communicate with others on this assignment

Task actions

You can conduct task actions for one task at a time or multiple tasks simultaneously. Where and how to do it will be described below.

Actions for individual tasks

Any actions available for a specific task can be found in its context menu. You open it by clicking the three dots (...) at the rightmost part of the task table row.

Task actions
Individual task actions

Batch actions

To select which tasks you want to conduct an action for, you can use either the selection box in the table header, the drop-down next to it, or the selection boxes on each row. When you select one or multiple tasks this way, you will see a toolbar at the bottom of your screen - where all the available actions for your selection are presented.

If your selection contains a variety of tasks, it might be that the available batch actions don't apply to every task in the selection. If so, you will be notified before completing the action.

Batch actions in the tasks table
Batch actions in the tasks table

Viewing the task

By interacting with a task's context menu, you can open and view the ongoing or completed task in the task view.

You can also copy a view link to the task using the same menu.

Expiring task (Available as batch action)

This option is only available for tasks of all workflow stages in requests where your organization has the request role Producer. The option is only available for tasks from the workflow stage review for organizations with the request role Owner.

Tasks that are in the state To Do or Ongoing and that are assigned to a team member can be expired.

When expiring a task, a new task will be created, with the same initial states as the original one. This means that work done on the expired task won't be transferred to the new tasks nor become part of the final annotation. At expiry, the assigned user will lose access to the task. And if the assigned user is currently working on the expired task they will be notified.

If you want the newly created task to be assigned to a specific user - use the option Expire and assign. If you want us to automatically assign the task to a team member or if you might want to assign it manually later - use the option Expire.

These actions are available as both single actions and batch actions.

Assign task (Available as batch action)

This option is only available for tasks of all workflow stages in requests where your organization has the request role Producer. The option is only available for tasks from the workflow stage review for organizations with the request role Owner.

Tasks that aren't assigned can be assigned to a team member manually.

If you want to assign an ongoing task to a different team member than the currently assigned one, you need to expire and assign the task (as mentioned above).

This action is available both as a single action and a batch action.

If you want to spend less time assigning tasks manually, we suggest you use our automatic task allocation. You can read more about how that works in Guide: Automatic task allocationο»Ώ.


Updated 08 Dec 2023
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