In the scenes page, users can view and manage all scenes that have been uploaded to the workspace.

The Overview section provides an aggregated view of the amount of scenes in the workspace, the scene type distribution as well as the scene status distribution.
In the scene table below, scenes are listed with the following columns:
- Scene UUID
- Scene External ID
- Scene Type
- Scene Status
- Uploaded date
The following information is also available for a scene and can be viewed by clickin on the three dots next to it and then on View details...:
- Calibration UUID
- Request(s): This section lists all annotation requests in which the scene has been, or is being, annotated.
It is possible to filter the results on this page by:
- Scene type
- Scene status
- Upload date
You can upload scenes to the Kognic Platform either via our API or directly in the UI.
Right now, only the scene types Cameras and Cameras sequence are possible to upload via the UI.
Note that in order to upload scenes via the UI, the file names need to contain sensor name and a frame identifier (for squences) in order to
To upload a scene via the UI, click on Upload scene in the top right corner of the Data orcehestration page and follow the steps below:
Select scene type
Choose Cameras or Cameras sequence and click Next.
Add files
Drop your files in the upload area. Each sensor should have one camera image for each frame.
When you are done, click Next.
Specify scene information
This step is where you make sure that files map to the correct sensor and frame. This is done by extracting that information from the file names. This can be done by splitting the file name by a certain character and then extracting the part before or after. Alternatively, you can use a regular expression (regex) to extract the information you need.
After extracting the sensor and frame (sequence-only) information, you need to specify a timestamp interval (sequence-only).
Validate in the table below that the information looks right and click Upload scene.