Bounding Box Copilot
The predictions are marked with dashed white outlines in the image. They can be selected by clicking on them. To deselect, press escape.
There are two ways of drawing a new object using the predictions and the cuboid copilot.
- Select a class you wish to annotate,
- This will automatically activate the bounding box copilot drawing tool
- Click on a prediction to create an object
- Select a prediction by clicking on it
- Select a class,
- an object should've been created at the location without any further action. See gif below.
While editing and you wish to update the object's location with that of the prediction you have two options.
Shift + click on the prediction
Select a prediciton and press enter
When you have a prediction selected at the same time as editing an object you will be able to use the 'copilot step' feature.
The defualt shortcut is R and will assist you in guiding you to where your attention is needed the most. It will guide you a bit differently depending if you are in a single frame task or a sequence task.
Using the 'copilot step' function in a single frame task will select the next prediction that is the closest to the current selected object. If it's an actual object then you can simply select a class and an object will be created, as the drawing process describes.
However if it's a false positive detection or something that should not be annotated, you can simply press the 'copilot step' shortcut to skip the prediction.
A skipped prediction is indicated by a transparent gray color, barely visible to not be a distraction. You are still able to interact with skipped predictions if it was done by mistake.
Coming soon!
Sometimes you will encounter predictions that should not be annotated or are false positives from the object detection system. These prediction can be erased so that they are less distracting, they will also not be included in the 'copilot stepping'.
To use the eraser, activate the eraser copilot eraser tool and click and hold the left mouse button and mouse over the predictions that should be erased.