2D machine-assisted tool
The machine-assisted drawing tool may be available as an alternative drawing tool for bounding boxes and polygons. The contents of this page will be released on 31st of October. Currently available in our 'next' environment.
The rectangle tool allows you to create a machine assisted polygon or bounding box by simple dragging your cursor diagonally across the object. Once you let go the shape will be created.

Drawing process
- Select a class
- Click and drag your cursor diagonally across the object
- Let go; a bounding box or polygon should appear.

The prompt tool allows you to create a machine assisted polygon or bounding box by placing green and red points. Green points should be placed on areas on the object and red points should be placed on areas not belonging to the object. A preview will appear and get updated with each added point.

Drawing process
- Select a class
- Click to place green (positive) points on the object
- Click to place red (negative) points by holding 'alt' to mark areas not belonging to the object
- Press 'enter' to confirm

The rectangle prompt tool combines the previous two mentioned tools into one. So you have to both drag diagonally across the object and place green and red points. This can increase the accuracy of the machine assistance. A preview will appear which will update as you place the rectangle and points.

Drawing process
- Select a class
- Click and drag your cursor diagonally across the object.
- Click to place green (positive) points on the object
- Click to place red (negative) points by holding 'alt' to mark areas not belonging to the object
- Press 'enter' to confirm
