Left toolbar
Camera modes
4D navigation
This tool is only available in the 3D view. It is only recommended for objects which are not moving.
With the 4D navigation tool, you simultaneously navigate in the point cloud (space) and to the best frame (time) for a static object.

Left toolbar: 4D navigation
You should use this tool when you locate an object of interest.
- Activate the tool by pressing the 4D zoom icon or shortcuts Shift and F
- Click on the targeted points
- The camera will zoom in point cloud and change frame if you're not already in the best frame.

- Holding down Shift and using SCROLL will change the tool radius.
- The tool will by default navigate you to the points within the Field of View of the selected camera. But, by holding Shift while clicking in the point cloud the tool will check all frames (outside FoV) regardless of the current camera source.
Updated 10 Oct 2024

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