Left toolbar
Editing tools

3D Add/ remove nodes


Activate the tools

Manual activation

Go to the left toolbar and select one of the options to start editing.

Location of tools
Location of tools

Keyboard shortcuts

Activate "Add node" with +

Activate "Remove node" with -

Add node tool

  1. Select an object,
  2. Activated the tool in the left toolbar,
  3. Hover over the line close to where you want to add a node,
  4. A green node should appear and indicate where the new node will be added,
  5. Click to place.

You can add nodes to a line in 3D with a slight offset to the current line.


Adding nodes to a line
Adding nodes to a line
Adding nodes to a lane
Adding nodes to a lane

Extend with the add node tool

When the add-node tool is active, you can extend the line by clicking on either the start or end node of the line. When the mouse is over a node you can extend from, it changes the cursor.

The cursor changes when the mouse is over a node it can extend the lane from
The cursor changes when the mouse is over a node it can extend the lane from

In addition, you can also extend a line from the start or end with keyboard shortcuts. Press 0 to extend the line from the end or shift+0 to extend the line from the beginning.

Extending a lane
Extending a lane

Remove node tool

  1. Activated this tool
  2. Hover over the node you want to delete,
    • Nodes will turn red as you hover over them to indicate which will be deleted
  3. Click to remove a node.
Document image
