2D context menu
Right-clicking on objects in 2D will open a context menu with actions you can make to the object. Depending on the type of 2D object you select, different options will be available.

Duplicate will create an identical copy of the object placed to 20 pixels to the right and further down from the current object.
Delete single polygon is available for multi 2D polygonο»Ώ (Multi-polygons in detailο»Ώ). This options is available if there are two or more polygons present in the multi polygon and allows you to delete the clicked polygon.
Delete object in source will delete the object in 2D only. If you have a connected 3D object, it will not be remove.
Delete object will delete the object in all views.
Similarity search this is available for 2D bounding boxesο»Ώ if the project has been added to the Dataset Exploration. This feature will open a window and show similar examples to the selected bounding box from the entire dataset.