Automation features
3D automation

Tracking assist


Tracking assist is available when annotating 3D boxesο»Ώ in sequences. When you have annotated two frames, this feature will automatically start extrapolating the objects position after the last keyframe or before the first keyframe. Clicking on the predicted box will update the objects location to that of the prediction. You can also use keyboard shortcut 'accept copilot prediction' to update the objects location (default shortcut R).

The prediction box
The prediction box

Using the "Follow selected object" camera mode will follow the predicted box helping you with navigation to the object in the scene.

Drawing process

  1. Annotate an object in a frame where it's visible.
  2. Step 1 frame forwards or backwards.
  3. Translate and rotate the object to fit the new location.
  4. Stepping forwards or backwards in the sequence now will show the tracking assist box.
  5. Step a few frames forward or backwards, click on the predicted box to accept it - quickly transforming the 3D box to the new location. Auto-adjust object (3D)ο»Ώ will be used if configured as well.
  6. Repeat step 5 until you're done.
Example use of tracking assist.
Example use of tracking assist.
