Time report


If you have access to time reporting, you will be prompted to select which state and request you are working on before you will be able to start working. The different states can be: Production, Idle or onboarding (can be changed in the future).

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The displayed time shows the total amount of HH:MM worked today.

Once state and request is selected, the timer can be started by pressing "Start". Time is treated as intervals and new intervals will be created when state and request is changed in the stopwatch. You can switch request and state without stopping the timer by expanding it and update the fields while the timer is running.

When "Stop" is pressed - no time will be collected until the timer is started again.

Log out

The clock/timer will stop when you decide to log out the platform.

The time report page

Clicking "View total time" will navigate you to the Time report page.

The time report page gives you an overview of the time you have logged this week and editability of your reported time. You can edit the request or state, but only edit the expired times.

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The time report page can be found in the profile menu as well as through the stopwatch.


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Updated 07 Mar 2024
Doc contributor
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