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In all sequence tasks, you will be able to play set the rate of playback
- 0.5x: playback of the sequence in half of real-time speed.
- 1.0x: playback of the sequence in real-time speed.
- 1.5x: playback of the sequence in 50% faster than real-time speed.
- 2.0x: playback of the sequence in two times real-time speed.
- 4.0x: playback of the sequence in four times real-time speed, if the computer hardware allows it. In other words it's playback with as fast as possible.
In some sequence tasks, you will be able to play the sequence based on two options:
- Standard playback (default): Steps through each frame, but the points can take longer to load.Β
- Optimized for speed: This will show every 3rd frame to load the points quicker when playing the sequence.Β