Resolve feedback
As an annotator, you are asked to resolve the feedback item and indicate which feedback you have taken action on. This information lets the reviewer know where fixes have been made and if any unclarities need clarification.
The feedback isn't resolved automatically; you need to do it manually.
You resolve or unresolve by clicking the button in the feedback card's upper right corner.

Read the section Change feedback status.
Suppose you find an item you can not act on because it is either a mistake by the reviewer or poorly machine-generated feedback. In that case, you can flag it as invalid and add a comment to it; this will unblock you from submitting your task. You can achieve that by clicking the flag button in the upper right corner.

Read the section Change feedback status.
The goal with advice is to give you, as an annotator, general tips on how to improve or encourage words.
How you act on these is fully up to you; you can resolve and/or reply if you want - but you don't have to.
