Task shapes
3D multi-sensor

Multi-sensor in detail


Drawing advice

Each sensor (point cloud color) shows the object at a specific point in time. Therefore, the object location can differ or overlap.

For example, in the image below the purple and orange sensor colors show the same object but at different locations.

These different locations do not overlap
These different locations do not overlap

Whereas in this image, the object overlap between the sensors:

These different locations overlap
These different locations overlap

Do's & don'ts

If they don't overlap it is important to think of two things:

  • ο»ΏDon't create one long box that covers all sensors.
  • ο»ΏDon't two separate objects for each sensor.
Don't create one long object like this
Don't create one long object like this
Don't create two separate objects like this
Don't create two separate objects like this

What we recommend you do, is:

Creating a box around the points with the color you find mainly outlines the object.

Correctly annotated - based on primary colored sensor
Correctly annotated - based on primary colored sensor

Primary sensor

In these tasks you will have an additional property called "Primary sensor".

When you have created a cuboid you will be able to tell which color that has the most points inside the box - this is your primary sensor.

Primary sensor selected
Primary sensor selected

If possible, try and keep to the same primary sensor throughout a sequence. Only change the primary sensor when you really find the primary colors have changed.

Projection not trustworthy

A message that can appear after creating an object is that "the projection is not trustworthy". This means the projection in the first frame that an object has been annotated in cannot provide a reliable projection.

Therefore, we do not recommend that you adjust the object size or position too much based on the projection you see in the 2D minature image in this frame. If you step forwards in the sequence and edit the box the projection will become trustworthy again.

Pointcloud color mode

In the multi-sensor tasks we recommend that you stay in the color mode "sensor coloring". If you leave this color mode you will not be able to view the different sensors that are available.

Sensor display settings

When the pointcloud color mode "sensor coloring" has been selected you are able to switch the individual sensors on/ off in the sensor display setting window.

This window will be open when entering a multi-sensor task but if you close it and want to open it again you can do so through the left toolbar menu.

Left toolbar item
Left toolbar item


Updated 29 Sep 2023
Doc contributor
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