

In this section, you will see information about how much work you have completed over the last weeks and how much time you have spent doing tasks on the Kognic platform.



The section contains two graphs showing your daily number of completed tasks and annotation points awarded to you over the last 14 days, providing insight into your productivity. If you have not worked on projects that award annotation points, the second graph will be detailing the number of submitted shapes instead.

Tasks completed per day

A task is completed when all annotation, correction, or review work is finished and the submit button is clicked. It will not be reflected in the graph until it has been submitted.

Annotation points per day

Annotation points is a unit used to value the annotations added in the platform. This number is updated in 10 minute intervals and to not need the tasks to be completed in order to update the awarded annotation points.

Shapes submitted

A shape is the representation of an object in a specific sensor and a specific time frame. The number of shapes is counted when a task is submitted and completed.

If you want more detailed insight into how you perform in your tasks, you can get that on the page My Performanceο»Ώο»Ώ

Annotation time

The annotation time is the time you have worked actively on annotate, correct, or review tasks excluding breaks longer than 3 minutes. The annotation time is updated every time you submit a task, and only the time during which you are working on a task will be counted as annotation time.

Q: My annotation time does not show up, why is that?

A: There is a delay of 10 minutes after a task has been submitted for it to show up in the dashboard.

Q: My annotation time does still not show up even if I have waited 10 minutes?!

A: In rare cases, there is a problem when the annotation time is about to be calculated. Then the annotation time will be calculated during the night and will therefore mean an even greater delay.

Q: I have worked on a task but when I want to open it again, it is gone. Is my time on that task gone?

A: No. When tasks expire (and disappear for the user) for various reasons, the time spent on that task will be counted.