Exam Configuration
This tab is only available if you have our Campus offering included in your license. The tab is not visible in projects run by Kognic.
In this tab, you will be able to configure all things related to examinations. As a start we have opened up the possibility to add exam managers (examiners and supervisors) to the request, allowing them to easily grade the request's exams directly in the app.
A user can have different roles when being an exam manager. An user can't have different roles in the same annotation request, but it is possible to assign different roles in different annotation requests. Let's go through the roles one by one:
An examiner is responsible for viewing, grading, and giving feedback on the request's exams. The examiner can access exams available for grading on the page Campus: Exams. Read more about it under Exam gradingο»Ώ.
A supervisor is responsible for the grading process and the quality of the examiners. They should for example keep an eye on the time it takes before a completed exam is graded and also monitor if the grades provided by examiners is accurate in relation to given guidelines. A supervisor gains access to the same functionality as an Examiner and could therefore carry out the same work if needed.

You can select users to add either by searching and selecting in the dropdown menu or by pasting emails for the users which you want to add. When pasting multiple emails they should be comma separated. After you have confirmed, by pressing "Add Managers", they are added to the managers table.
Exams can only be graded by examinators with workforce access to the organization of the user that conducted the exam. To make sure all exams can be graded, add examinators which together have workforce access to all relevant organizations.
To remove a manager you first find the manager which you want to remove from the request and click the three dots to the right to reveal the option "Remove manager".
When a manager is removed they will not be able to claim any new exams or act in the request. Any already claimed exams will become unclaimed and available to the remaining examiners.
