Add feedback
Edit feedback items
You, as a reviewer, can edit the content of feedback items
- Locate the item you want to edit in the feedback list.
- Right-click on the card to open the context menu.
- Select "Edit feedback item"
- Edit the sections you want to edit and click save.
You can change the status of a feedback item as a reviewer for submitted feedback. This can be useful if you want an annotator to take another look at specific feedback, for example.
- Locate the item for which you want to edit the status.
- Click the left icon to change to resolved or unresolved.
- You can also mark it as Invalid/ valid as a reviewer. You do this by clicking the icon to the right (the flag).
If you want to delete a feedback item
- Locate the item you want to delete in the feedback list.
- Right-click on the card to open the context menu.
- Select the option "Delete" from the menu.
- The feedback item is deleted.
Updated 13 Jun 2024
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