Derived classes
Derived classes are new shapes created by combining existing ones. They help you generate useful new elements, like lines, based on the properties of other shapes.

A centerline is a new line generated in the center of two lines or lanes.
- Select "Centerline" from the list of derived classes.
- Select the two lines for which you wish to create a center line.
- Select the class that the center line should have.

You can re-select which lines or lanes to generate the centerline from by clicking on the object ID chip and selecting another line in the view.

Centerline generation is only available in single-frame tasks, for shapes with world-interpolation set to true, and for aggregated lidars and camera sequence tasks.
A lane connection is a derived line that creates a smooth, connecting line between two existing lines or lanes.
- Select "Lane connection" from the list of derived classes.
- Select the two lines for which you wish to create a connection.
- Select the class that the lane connection should have.
The direction of the two lines you want to create a connection between is important. Use the preview of the connection to be generated to view if the new line will look as you expect.

Lane connection generation is only available in single-frame tasks, for shapes with world-interpolation set to true, and for aggregated lidars and camera sequence tasks.