Create and manage chunks


Creating chunks

  1. Start by selecting the relevant objects in the gallery-view.
  2. In the selection bar at the bottom of the viewport, click Add to chunk.
  3. In the dialog that opens, choose whetherΒ to add your selection to a previously created chunk or to a new one.Β 
  4. If you’re creating a new chunk, you will be instructed to give it a name as well as a description.
  5. ClickΒ Save. The chunk has been created, or updated, and is accessible via:
    1. The Chunks-page.
    2. The dropdown-list named Chunks.

Managing chunks & chunk contents

To manage your created chunks, go to the Chunks-page. Find the chunk you're interested in and click the icon on the right ('More options'). From here, you can perform any of the actions that are available. Read more about these in Chunksο»Ώ.

In order to remove objects from a chunk, you need to do the following:

  1. Select the chunk, either via the chunks dropdown-list on the Data-page, or via the "Show chunk contents" action, available via the context menu in the table on the Chunks-page.
  2. In the gallery, select the objects you want to remove and choose the "Remove from chunk" action in the selection bar.
