

Within the chunks-tab you can view and manage chunks that have been created for the dataset by anyone in your organisation.

Chunk information


The identifier that was given to the chunk by the user who created or edited it.


Additional optional information that has been given to the chunk by the user who created or edited it. Shows in which stage of the correction flow the item is in.

No. of items

Additional optional information that has been given to the chunk by the user who created or edited it. Shows in which stage of the correction flow the item is in.


The statuses a chunk can have are:

  • Created: A chunk that has been created sent to correction.
  • In Review: Chunks that are waiting to be, or currently are, being reviewed.
  • Corrected: Chunks that have been reviewed and corrected.


The date of when the chunk was created

Created by

The user who created the chunk.

Chunk actions

From the context menu (More options) you can perform any of the following actions:

View chunk contents

Filters the item gallery to only display the items that are part of the chunk. When this action is performed, you are redirected to the data-page. This action is available regardless of the chunk's state.

Send to Kognic for correction

Triggers the creation of review correction tasks for all assignments that the items in the chunk correspond to. These tasks will have pins on the specific items selected, as well as a correction request that is defined by the user in the dialog that opens when clicking "Send to Kognic for correction". Note that this correction request will be the same for all items in the chunk. The status of the chunk changes to "In correction". This action is available regardless of the chunk's state.

Edit info

Opens a dialog where you can edit:

  • Name
  • Description

This action is available regardless of the chunk's state.

Delete chunk

This action permanently removes the chunk. This does NOT remove the data or annotations that are part of the chunk. It does, however, remove the grouping of those items. This action is available for chunks that has the state "Created" or "Corrected".

