Achievement badges


Before reading on about our badges - please note that if your account was activated after September 20th, 2021 badges will not be available on your profile. We are still working on making it available for everyone.

Achivements in profile view
Achivements in profile view


In order to celebrate some of the individual achievements we designed some badges that you would be able to collect and read about on your user profile page (access via dashboard - left side menu).

How to collect badges

If you have a badge available to collect you will be able to see it under "Achievements" on your user profile page. The badge will be grey and white until you collect it:

  1. Click on the diamond-shaped badge,
  2. Click on the badge (that's a little bit bigger now) again,
  3. Done!

Current available badges

For annotators we currently have six different types of badges that you can aim to collect. These are:

  1. Kognic anniversary: Number of years that you have been an active app.kognic user (available now: 1 year, 2 years and 3 years),
  2. Number of completed tasks:
    1. 1000 tasks completed = bronze badge,
    2. 5000 tasks completed = silver badge,
    3. 10.000 tasks completed = gold badge.
  3. Onboarding completed: When you have completed your first production task you will be able to collect this badge.

If you have an idea for a badge design or achievement type - let us know under Provide feedbackο»Ώ. We would love to get feedback on what achievement we should add as a badge.